New month
New Beginnings
New Mindset
New Focus
New Start
New Intentions
New Results
Utilize this upcoming new moon to start this month off the right way; I started mine in such Virgo fashion. Cleaning: I plan to put on a nice simmer pot and open all the windows this beautiful Sunday and physically write out all of the above items and what I want to see over this next month for myself and my family. With getting over being sick and just feeling so tied down. I am also starting this month with kind of a rededication to my daily practice with
The principles of Reiki:
Just for Today...
I will live with the attitude of gratitude.
I will not worry.
I will not anger.
I will do my work honestly.
I will show love and respect for every living thing.
Feel welcome to Join me in a morning and evening meditation with these or at one of the upcoming events.
Below you will find Sounds of Serenity and Reiki's upcoming dates and events for September.

1:1 sessions available by request or booking.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Remember to follow the light until it cracks your heart wide open,
Samantha Jo