Recently at a funeral I was attending, I noticed the reverend led the service from his perspective and not from a broad universal perspective. In my opinion and some may not agree but something so highly important when we are working with those who have loss someone--we do not need to preach a message at a life celebration or memorial. We need to praise of the life we are gathered to celebrate. This poem stays with me--- and is something I think is simply beautifully a spoken word and share with those who are in the waves of loss.
By Merrit Malloy
When I die
Give what’s left of me away
To children
And old men that wait to die.
And if you need to cry,
Cry for your brother
Walking the street beside you.
And when you need me,
Put your arms
Around anyone
And give them
What you need to give to me.
I want to leave you something,
Something better
Than words
Or sounds.
Look for me
In the people I’ve known
Or loved,
And if you cannot give me away,
At least let me live on in your eyes
And not your mind.
You can love me most
By letting
Hands touch hands,
By letting bodies touch bodies,
And by letting go
Of children
That need to be free.
Love doesn’t die,
People do.
So, when all that’s left of me
Is love,
Give me away.