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Meet The Elite Podcast Interview

Writer: Samantha JoSamantha Jo

I intended to be on this Podcast to tell the benefits and story of Reiki in my life, not to promote business even though as a business owner any outsourcing is great but my goal is to share the knowledge and health benefits of Reiki. I hope you are able to read the entire interview and get a better understanding of the break down in a simple form of the Reiki energy.

Thank you and many blessings.

As always grateful for the opportunities and lessons.

Meet The Elite Pre-Interview Questionnaire: Your Name and Title ( as you would want it to appear on your podcast's description ) Please give the correct spelling of your name and title for the description of the podcast and confirm your contact information below. Also, please answer the questions. Phone Number to contact you for the Podcast Name of your Business: Sam’s Sound of Serenity and Reiki Business Website: Business contact email: Business phone number: 1-681-494-3078 1. Please give a description of your company and the products/services you offer. Hello and many blessings to all listening today. I hope you are basking in this lovely new moon along with the Ostara and the Spring Equinox energy. It shining the light through and bringing changes of rebirth we all have been so eagerly waiting for. I am Samantha Jo, the creatix of Sam’s Sound of Serenity and Reiki. At my practice I offer a range of different holistic modalities which include but are not limited to Reiki Usui Ryoho, Karuna Ki, Violet Flame Reiki and Angelic Reiki, The Seven Sacred Rays and Flames, EFT/TFT Tapping, as well a Meditation teacher and licensed officiant. With these services utilization of aromatherapy, crystal grids, sound healing, flower essences, reiki charged oil rollers, lunar, Cacao, and Tea ceremonies are specifically crafted to the individual and intuitively for each client; as each client and person are 100 percent unique and so is their energy and their needs.. I think this is hugely important to remember in any practice, especially in the health and spiritual field. I take pride and value for the client to feel safe and that their safety and homeostasis (balance) is of the utmost importance in the sessions and when working with me. Each client knows this is their space and their time; and boundaries of both the client and practitioner are of equal importance and that relationship is key to a healthy practice. 2. How long have you been in business? I started with my focus in healthcare in 2009; I then graduated from nursing school in 2014. Then shortly after I realized there was something else missing in my practice. I have always been known to intuitively be drawn to others and their needs, it is one of the reasons I became a nurse. In the healthcare field I was missing the personal aspect of looking at the whole entire body—their mental state, physical state, and emotional state. They like to talk about holistic health, but not a lot of people actually practice this. In so many healthcare books they are really looking at a person from a physical standpoint—how is their head to toe, their lab work and etc. For me—knowing the information I have learned along my studies emotions can be stored within the body and create dis-ease. This causes a lot of health problems that are so prevalent in our society today and unfortunately we have had a lack in this system to help counterbalance these issues and problems that stem have even stemmed from epigenetics, but that is another long topic. From these feelings that stemmed in healthcare; I began to formulate my own business on the side where there is a deeper aspect of healing of the mind, body, and soul—finding the root and finding the connection. I believe we all have a story and in the story we can trace back the thread to find where this disruption in the body has occurred and from there that is where the work begins. This work does not take X amount of time, again it is individualized to the person, situation, and to the willpower. This is then when I began to become a licensed officiant, then started to begin my Reiki Master journey to open my business. I have been so fortunate to make a great friendship with Melinda Kondracki, the owner at the NACL Salt Spa in Urbana Ohio. She gave me a chance when I was still very meek and timid in my reiki practice and opened a space for me to begin to hone in on my craft and I will forever be grateful to her and this place and forever love the work I do when I am at the spa. 3. Tell us about your business? My Reiki practice to me is just like another family member; it may not be as big as some other but the principle for me is if there is one person I can teach or touch with the Reiki energy then I am fulfilling my purpose of this mission. That is my true mission and true goal. Reiki has changed my life in so many ways, from being in touch with my own body to allowing others to begin to drop in to their embodiment, and release the excess storage they may be carrying and no longer need and help to facilitate them to begin their own healing journey. We are here to coassist. Next I am going to tell you a little bit about Reiki because I believe if not that does a disservice to everyone; There are excerpt from IARP and Cleveland Clinic that I find useful and like to use with my clients and students: Reiki is a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The tradition form being Jikiden. We can see such a difference in this style of Reiki comparatively to the west but the word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion. It is a subtle and effective form of energy work using spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki is the life energy that flows through all living things. Reiki Practitioners understand that everyone has the ability to connect with their own healing energy and use it to strengthen energy in themselves and help others. It is believed that a person’s “ki” or energy should be strong and free-flowing. When this is true a person’s body and mind is in a positive state of health. When the energy becomes weak or blocked it could lead to symptoms of physical or emotional imbalance. This is where Reiki Masters and practitioners come in to play to help restore that balance or homeostasis. Reiki practitioners act as a conduit between you and the source of the universal life force energy. The energy flows through the practitioner’s hands to you. “The patient determines the energy flow from the practitioner’s hands by taking only what they need,” Bodner says. “This helps the patient know that we are supporting them only in what they need rather than what we think they need. This makes it the perfect balance to meet the patient’s needs.” The healing effects to have been noted after a Reiki session are: Pain reduction Reduce inflammation Relaxation Meditation Lower heart rate Lower blood pressue Lower cortisol stress hormone There are scientific studies showing the effects reiki has onthe brain and the changes in makes in the brain waves—it is so neat to see things backed my scientific evidence. The Reiki Principles are Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will be grateful. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. 4. What inspired you to pursue your profession? The inspiration that led me to Reiki was my own healing journey. I am a 32 year old mother of four boys. At age 21 I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, endocarditis and some other fun stuff. Thankfully now I am controlled afib rvr with borderline systolic heart failure with recovered ejection fraction as well as syringomyliea which is a spinal cord cyst located within the spinal column I was diagnosed with at 25, I have been in many situations that were not the most loving and most kind in my past and from all of this began my own healing journey; I can honestly say the first time I experienced Reiki in my early 20s was the first time I felt seen from another individual. I wanted to share my story with others to allow them to see the healing energies and works of Reiki that help physically balance the body in a traditional way that is not just this new age, love and light we are seeing all the time. Do not get my wrong I think positivity is so freaking amazing, but validating the hard shit is hella important and a lot of the work too. Avoidance is why we store so much in our body and a lot of the times why we need to seek assistance outside of ourselves when we truly can cultivate the energy needed for healing within as well as with the help of a medical professional. Knowing and living from this place of lack and unknowing before is one of the reasons why I care so much about my practice. Like I said it is small but I try to gift each individual with something because each person who comes into my practice has put their trust not only in me but in the faith of Reiki Power and the faith within themselves and to me that is hugely powerful and needs to be honored. 5. What would you like the listeners to know about you? I am here in service to God/spirit/source/family—my work in this life is to prepare my sons and help others along their healing paths and that is what I intend to do full heartedly until the day I pass unto the next place. A little side note about me is that I am a mom of four boys, I love rocks/crystals, books, nature, all things philosophical, spiritual, and occult. I love looking at broken things and seeing the beauty and life that is still there and how it can be made new again. I am always looking for other individuals to work with to try to make the world a happier with living place 🙂 Samantha Jo is a Licensed Wedding Officiant, Life Celebrant and Intuitive Reiki Master, based in Urbana, Ohio who prides oneself in highly customized and unique events. I believe in integrity, honesty, and follow-through in your word. Whether planning your Wedding, Blessingway, End of Life Celebration or need a consult for every moment between, I’m here to make sure that each and every event I’m involved with is inspiring, heart forward, and focused on you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely,



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