First off I just want to thank everyone who came out and supported The Beauty Boost-Dayton Hippie Dippie Summer Social---it was such a beautiful way to start the summer off right! I was so busy and filled up the only thing is I wish that I had more chance of a time to mingle and talk with everyone but so happy to bask in the energy we all were creating.
I just wanted to remind everyone even if you were not at the event yesterday that I am offering this Sundays Zoom service for no cost--donations appreciated.
I did move times to 8pm for it to be more of a winding down time for the end of week and intention setting for new week---plus I am a full advocate of listening to your body and man oh man I slept in today. Our body keeps the score and if we listen close enough it tells us where to go next; to begin to slow down and tune into you.
Hope to see you all later---and if not it is recorded so you can pop on and listen anytime.
Remember to follow the light until it cracks your heart wide open,
Samantha Jo
Zoom info:
Samantha Shoemaker is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sunday Soul Sound Sessions with Crystal Bowl Meditation
Time: Jun 9, 2024 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 862 7818 8022
Passcode: D3JNxa
